
So, you have been running your business for a while now.  The patients may seem happy; the staff may be loyal and capable – but something is not quite right.  Perhaps the profits are not what you were hoping for, or the volume of new patients is too low.   Either way, you know that something just isn’t quite right. 

We can help.  We offer coaching, support, analysis.  All the stuff you might need.

Once we understand what you would like, we can do a full analysis of your business

  • the cost of running it 
  • the services you offer
  • your staff levels, 
  • your patient portfolio 
  • the relationship with suppliers
  • the customer-facing and back office processes
  • financial management

Then, we assess how your business is performing compared to what you would like, identify the pain points and develop a plan to address them.

There may be some quick and easy fixes.  Or it may be more complicated.  But, you know that positive change is coming.  And we love that.